
1.    State Core Team Member – I was selected in state level developer team as a data process monitor. Total team size 6 out of 4 are tech candidates and other two (me also) actually working at block level with community as a livelihood expert. My reporting officer was “Taluka Agriculture Officer”.

2.    Live show & NEWS at Doordarshan and various media – I started Farmers Club to provide in time, accurate & Trustworthy weather alerts system. Within 2 years of span period I’d covered entire Maharashtra. “Communication System for agronomy development” is priority project in my career path.

3.    Natural Resources Management activities implemented in Tasgaon, Area treatment of 2569.33 ha (Rs.99.58 Lakh) and drainage line treatment 40 Nos. (Rs.157.02 Lakh) implemented for water & soil conservation.

4.    Managing 357 Physical groups of Maharashtra region for rural agronomy development.

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